The Boogeyman (1980) (2024)

The Boogeyman (1980) (1)

Reviewed by Richard Mogg

Can a film be more than the sum of its parts? Heavily influenced by John Carpenter’s 1978 Halloween (and mixed with equal doses of The Amityville Horror and The Exorcist), Ulli Lommel’s sophom*ore venture into the realm of slashers should have been nothing more than another entry in an already bursting genre. Yet there’s something undeniably attractive about a film dealing with children, really big knives and masked brutes returning from their graves for revenge. Is this just another slasher film, or something more mysterious? Let’s break through the mirrors and take a closer look…

A small southern town, circa 1960. It is night. A light shines from the livingroom window of a large house and two children peer in to have a look. The two are brother and sister. Inside, their drunken mother is in various stages of undress with her large, mean boyfriend. She slips her stocking over the man’s head before spotting the kids, then chasing the terrorized two into their bedrooms. The son is gagged and tied to his bed while the mother laughs. Later as the couple is off having sex, the daughter cuts her brother free with a large carving knife… the same knife that the brother brings into his mother’s bedroom and uses to repeatedly stab his mother’s boyfriend to death. Twenty years later, the brother is a mute and the daughter is married with a son of her own. But when they receive a letter from their dying mother, bizarre things start to happen. The two are plagued by disturbing nightmares of the stocking-wearing, abusive boyfriend returning for revenge. Mirrors start reflecting bloody images of that terrible night from years past. And knives and other garden implements start mysteriously flinging like throwing darts. Is the mute brother the one to blame, or has the ghost of the dead boyfriend come back for the kill?

Well you can’t blame Lommel for trying. Released about a full-year before the zenith of the slasher film’s popularity, The Boogeyman takes the unusual step of applying the slasher motif to a supernatural backstory. Unlike films such as Friday The 13th (which was released the same year) that harnessed the slasher blueprint into an interchangeable, bankable and highly attractive film guide, Boogeyman feels a bit more like a failed experiment. Not only do we have scenes poorly reproduced from straight out of Halloween, but imposing Amityville Horror-like ‘house shots’ of the family home and even a determined priest trying to exorcise a possessed girl in the finale. All this in a slasher film? It does feel like overkill by the third act, as the invisible spirit proceeds to rip away at a girl’s blouse as she runs screaming across the family’s front yard. But for just as many poorly rendered and atrociously acted shots that exist in Boogeyman, there are an equal amount of good ones. Suzanna Love (the director’s wife) as the main girl is overall quite convincing for the material at hand. There are also some notably creepy images throughout the film; none as disturbing as the stocking-wearing man as he stares motionlessly at the terrorized children (a shot re-used several times throughout the film). And the use of mirrors is an effective tool for adding the right amount of ghostly hauntings to any horror film. In one particularly interesting scene, the mute boy is so affected by the images he sees in the mirrors, that he goes throughout the house, painting all the mirrors black. Later as a smashed mirror (which actually contained the evil spirit) has shards of glass fly off that reflect ‘evil light’ into the eyes of others, it forces them to stab scissors into their necks and jam knives into their heads!

Yet the best pleasures of The Boogeyman come in the most unsuspecting form. Whether due to Lommel’s incompetence as a director or just bad editing, several scenes come off with an unintentional amount of humor. The boy who sticks his head in an open window screaming “Gotcha,” only to then be squished to death by the window ceil – the freak-out the main girl does upon seeing a ghostly image in a mirror, only to then grab the nearest chair and bash the hell out of it… in someone else’s home! – the country girl who tries to put the moves on the mute brother in the barn only to have him gyrate like the Incredible Hulk, grab her by the neck and lift her three feet off the ground! These are the memorable bits that make The Boogeyman so much fun. Knives entering the flesh of an unsuspecting victim? Love it. Blood that pops and bubbles to the beat of the opening credits? Priceless.

So while Lommel has continued to prove himself as a candidate for the “Worst Director of All-Time” award (as certainly his most recent work has demonstrated), it’s nice to look back and see that the man at least started out with promise. The Boogeyman has since gone on to spawn 2 more official sequels (which continue to re-use sizeable amounts of this film as ‘flashback footage’) and was even graced with a beautiful looking, remastered DVD release from Anchor Bay (though it was on a Double Feature with Lommel’s 1983 film The Devonsville Terror). Certainly worthy of another look, The Boogeyman is one of those films that may fade into darkness for years at a time, but is never really forgotten.

The Boogeyman (DVD)

Starring: Suzanna Love, Ron James, John Carradine, Nicholas Love, Raymond Boyden
Rating: R (Restricted)

List Price: $14.99 USD
New From: $3.49 In Stock
Used from: $0.61 In Stock

Release date September 6, 2005.

The Boogeyman (1980) (2024)


What was in the closet at the end of The Boogeyman? ›

Billings then hears a creepy voice from the closet say "so nice" before the door swings open and the Boogeyman comes out. And if that doesn't get you, King's final line of the story certainly will: "It still held its Dr Harper mask in one rotted, spade-claw hand."

What does the ending of The Boogeyman mean? ›

The Boogeyman's Ending Real Meaning Explained

Despite Sadie and her family getting to a much better place, with Will openly talking about the loss of his wife and The Boogeyman seemingly dying in physical form, the film suggests that grief will continue to be prevalent in one's life no matter how much time has passed.

What happened to the mom in The Boogeyman? ›

Plot. Therapist Will Harper is struggling to overcome the death of his wife, who died suddenly in a car crash. His daughters, Sadie and Sawyer, are likewise struggling to deal with their mother's passing. One day, a disturbed man called Lester Billings visits Will's office.

Is Dr. Harper the boogeyman? ›

Some time after these events, the Boogeyman has not yet given up persecuting Lester. Then he disguises himself as a man, taking on the appearance of Dr. Harper, a psychologist to whom Lester, divorced from Rita and now completely mad with grief and terror, asked for advice (it is not clear if the Boogeyman killed Dr.

Is the Boogeyman based off a real story? ›

"The Boogeyman" is a short story by Stephen King, first published in the March 1973 issue of the magazine Cavalier and later included in King's 1978 . King's mind is incredibly unique, and he draws inspiration from real life as well as fictionalized work, but The Boogeyman is a work of fiction .

What is the point of the Boogeyman? ›

The large majority of bogeymen just function to frighten children with potential punishments, and not actually to inflict much damage. The more vicious bogeyman is said to steal the children at night, and even to eat them, or to commit some other violence.

What happened to Jessica in the Boogeyman? ›

Jessica, his girlfriend, abruptly shows up and she takes Tim out of the house for a night in a quiet hotel, where she is murdered by the Boogeyman, who spies at her through the closet in the bathroom before dragging her into the bath.

What was the monster in the Boogeyman? ›

The Boogeyman is the titular main antagonist of the 2023 horror film The Boogeyman, based off the Stephen King short story of the same name. It is a monster of unknown origin that targets and murders entire families, usually ones that have experienced a loss of a family member. For its literary counterpart, see here.

Is there a Boogeyman 2? ›

Boogeyman 2 is a 2007 American horror film edited and directed by Jeff Betancourt and the sequel to the 2005 film Boogeyman. The film was written by Brian Sieve and stars Danielle Savre, Matt Cohen, David Gallagher, Mae Whitman, Renee O'Connor, and Tobin Bell.

Who killed Boogeyman? ›

Actually, in the movie it is mentioned that there was another mafia who was called Baba Yaga/The Boogeyman. John Wick was hired to kill him which he obviously did after which he was know as the Boogeyman.

What is the plot of Boogeyman? ›

Where was the Boogeyman filmed? ›

According to The Cinemaholic, one generic location that The Boogeyman used during filming was McDonogh 35 Senior High School, located in Louisiana. The school is located on 4000 Cadillac Street in the city of New Orleans. Although The Boogeyman is a horror movie, this school is not abandoned or creepy in any sense.

What type of father is Lester Billings? ›

TLDR- Lester Billings is an abusive father, who resents and even hates his wife, his children are unwanted, he feels no attachment to them. He is plagued by fears of them growing up wrong, growing up to be like him.

Who is the antagonist in the boogeyman? ›

Written by Eric Kripke, Juliet Snowden, and Stiles White, from a story by Kripke, the film is a new take on the classic "boogeyman", or monster in the closet, who is the eponymous antagonist of the film. The plot concerns a young man, Tim Jensen, who must confront the childhood terror that has affected his life.

What happened to the baby at the beginning of The Boogeyman? ›

Lester goes on to tell the story of how his first child died suddenly one night, after crying about the boogeyman. The cause of death was determined to be crib . Here, the death of a child in the very beginning at least gives the impression that no one - not the youngest daughter - is safe from the .

Will there be a Boogeyman 2? ›

The Boogeyman 2 Isn't Happening Yet

Disney and 20th Century have yet to announce plans for The Boogeyman 2, so it is not officially happening at the moment. They moved it from streaming to give it a theatrical release in hopes that it would be a hit and even possibly launch a new horror franchise.

Were the worms real in Boogeyman? ›

For those wondering, The Boogeyman does indeed eat real worms for his WWE stints. In an interview, Marty Wright, who played the character, stated that he was willing to eat other creepy crawlies like maggots, crickets, and roaches.

Who was the Boogeyman in don t look under the bed? ›

Steve Valentine as Boogeyman, the film's antagonist. Jake Sakson as Darwin McCausland, Frances' younger brother.

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