iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (2024)

Get Into PC and iGet Into PC are two cracked software download sites that allow you to download paid software for free.

However, what is the difference between the two sites? Which one is legit, and which one is fake?

In this review, I will be comparing Get Into PC and its counterpart, iGet Into PC, which share a very similar name. I will be explaining the differences between the two and tell you why you should choose only one and never use the other.

Quick Summary

iGet Into PC is a fraud site that copied Get Into PC, which is the original. Not only did it copy the name but also the design.

Get Into PC is safe, but the same cannot be said for iGet Into PC. Therefore, never use iGet Into PC.

Regardless of which one you use, be mindful of piracy laws that may be violated when using either site.

What Is Cracked Software?

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (1)

Photo by Pixabay via Pexels

Before we begin, I thought it pertinent to discuss what cracked software is.

Get Into PC is a site that lets you download cracked software for free. That means that while the software usually requires a license or monthly subscription, you can download it from Get Into PC and use it without a license and without paying.

There are a few ways this is possible, which all fall under the umbrella of “cracking” software. Some of the methods that allow this include:

  • Modifying the code to allow users to circumvent a license lock.
  • Obtaining license activation codes from free license sharing sites or through other methods.
  • Extending the free trial license for a very long period of time.

Typically, crackers will use a decompiler to decompile the program’s code. Software that requires a license usually has a function that checks for such a license upon startup.

The crackers can find ways to get around this function, often by modifying it to accept a fake license key or by sending it a fake status code that indicates a license is being used when, in fact, none is present.

Software with free trials may be cracked by extending the free trial period to 100 years, for example, again by manipulating its code.

It’s not easy to crack software, but it’s possible. Many of the most popular paid software products, such as Adobe Photoshop, are available in cracked versions.

Sites like Get Into PC allow you to download these cracked versions. It makes money by running ads on the site, but it doesn’t charge you for the software downloads.

With that said, let’s explore some of the differences between these two sites.

Get Into PC vs iGet Into PC: Overview

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (2)

Both Get Into PC and iGet Into PC offer cracked software in various categories. Typically, I find that Get Into PC has a wider range of software per category, but this is not always the case.

In some categories, iGet Into PC has more listings than Get Into PC.

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (3)

Still, this is subject to change, as both sites upload new cracked software programs every day. With multiple submissions a day, the number of software programs per category is constantly changing.

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Get Into PC vs iGet Into PC: Which One Came First?

For the purposes of checking which website came first, I used Small SEO Tools’ Domain Checker. However, other similar tools exist, which you can use as well to verify the age of a domain.

Get Into PC

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (4)

As you can see, Get Into PC was first registered back in 2013. It’s been around for a long time and is a trusted source of cracked software.

iGet Into PC

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (5)

iGet Into PC was first registered in 2017.

That is several years later than Get Into PC. This indicates that iGet Into PC is a copycat site.

It’s not the original site but rather created by someone who tried to capitalize on Get Into PC’s reputation in the industry to make money off it with little advertising.

Many people probably don’t realize the difference between the two sites. They might type “Get Into PC” into Google and come across iGet Into PC, not realizing they are landing on a fake site that is not the original.

Not only did the copycat site copy the name, but it even copied the general design. You will see that the design and color scheme, while not entirely the same, are very similar on both sites.

That makes it even more confusing to people and makes it more likely for people to mistake iGet Into PC for Get Into PC.

That’s really all you need to know. If iGet Into PC is a fake site, you can’t trust it.

You don’t know its motives. Perhaps it is simply trying to make money with ads, or perhaps it bundles its downloads with viruses and malware.

Either way, you should only visit the original site, Get Into PC, and not risk downloading anything from iGet Into PC.

With that said, let’s investigate the safety of either site. Which one is safer to use?

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iGet Into PC vs Get Into PC: VirusTotal Rating

If you want to check whether a file you have downloaded (including software files) or a website is safe, you can use a tool called VirusTotal to scan it.

VirusTotal is an online website that has multiple scanners from numerous contributing cybersecurity agencies and antivirus companies.

It was created by Hispasec Sistemas but purchased by Google and now owned by Chronicle, which is a cybersecurity company that is part of Google Cloud Platform and a subsidiary of Google.

As such, you can trust VirusTotal to be legit. It’s not just a random website that pretends to scan your file or URL but rather a trustworthy site that can actually detect the presence of malware.

As you will see, various well-known companies, such as Kaspersky and Avira, are used to scan URLs and files you upload to VirusTotal.

Let’s compare the scan results when scanning both Get Into PC and iGet Into PC with VirusTotal.

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Get Into PC

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (6)

As illustrated by the screenshot above, out of 92 contributing security agencies and firms that contribute to VirusTotal, not one of them determined Get Into PC to be malicious.

I only saw one company that scanned it as suspicious, but this is likely just a false flag, given that every other agency that scanned it gave it a “Clean” rating.

Also, “Suspicious” is a step above “Malicious.”

A “Suspicious” rating might mean that there are things that caused the scanner to think there might be an issue, but it might still be safe. However, if a rating of “Malicious” is given, you can assume that malware or some other security risk has definitely been identified.

So, with a “Clean” rating given by 91 out of 92 security companies and only one “Suspicious” rating, you can assume that Get Into PC is a safe site that doesn’t offer malware.

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iGet Into PC

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (7)

What about the copycat site, iGet Into PC? Is it also safe?

As you can see in the screenshot above, five out of 91 security agencies gave iGet Into PC a “Malicious” rating. Among them are Kaspersky and Avira, two companies well known for their popular antivirus programs.

This is a serious cause for concern. While Get Into PC was not rated as “Malicious” by a single agency, five agencies decided that iGet Into PC was malicious.

So, if you care about your online privacy and security, I would avoid iGet Into PC at all costs and stick with the original site, Get Into PC.

iGet Into PC vs Get Into PC: Legality

What about the legality of the two sites? Are they legal to use?

The answer is the same. Whether you use Get Into PC or iGet Into PC, you are breaking copyright laws.

Software that is released under a license is protected by a copyright. Using it without purchasing the license in a manner unintended by the developer (for example, extending the free trial to last for many years instead of two weeks, as intended), is piracy.

Pirating software is illegal and also quite unethical. Of course, laws can vary from country to country, as can fines and punishments.

You are not likely to actually get punished for downloading software from Get Into PC. Authorities don’t usually have the resources to track down everyone who used a pirating site.

Instead, they typically go after the owners of the pirating sites, if they live within a jurisdiction they have control over. Of course, pirating sites are often based overseas, making them difficult to take down.

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Get Into PC is the original site. On the other hand, iGet Into PC is a copycat site that was set up to piggyback on the success of Get Into PC, with potentially nefarious purposes.

Get Into PC has been rated as safe by VirusTotal, while iGet Into PC has been flagged as malicious by multiple security vendors.

If you want to download pirated software (which is illegal), Get Into PC should be used and not iGet Into PC.

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (8)

Tom Clayton

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

iGetIntoPC Vs GetIntoPC – What's the Difference? (2024)


Can I trust Getintopc? ›

As per my experience, Getintopc is a safe and virus-free website until today to Download free software for your new pc or laptop, It is mostly offering windows free and trial software and some useful tutorials.

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Top 4 getintopc.com Alternatives & Competitors
  • getintopc.com.pk. 113,333. Country Rank: India. 20,615. 464.5K. -11.54% 4.6. ...
  • getintopc.today. 339,145. Country Rank: India. 69,590. 114.23K. -31.06% 3.0. ...
  • igetintopc.com. 22,194. Country Rank: India. 6,963. 3.18M. +24.68% 5.3. ...
  • 4shared.com. 9,386. Country Rank: Thailand. 345. 7.89M. -6.24% 7.6.

What about the website Getintopc? ›

Getintopc is a popular medium to download the cracked version of paid software for free. It was initially created for sharing the cracked PC games and software for free, along with their reviews. However, when it got a tremendous response and popularity, the site owners added some more informative features to the site.

What is the safest site to download from? ›

Table of content
RankingSiteCountry (Origin)
1play.google.comUnited States
2apps.microsoft.comUnited States
3store.steampowered.comUnited States
4sourceforge.netUnited States
16 more rows
May 24, 2024

Who is the owner of getintopc com? ›

Jerry Smith is the founder of the famous company Get Into PC.

How does Getintopc make money? ›

We estimate the website value of getintopc.com is currently at $ 1,980,400 USD and reaches roughly 204,792 unique users each day that generate 904,290 daily pageviews with a daily revenue (from advertisem*nts, i.e Google AdSense) of $ 904 USD approximately.

Is it safe to download from download com? ›

Download.com is not safe because they clearly state in their policy that they may share your data with third parties such as advertisers, government, and their service providers. It is therefore important to implement measures that will keep you safe while you are on Download.com.

How to download software and apps safely? ›

Before downloading an application, pay attention and:
  1. Check the ratings and opinions of other users.
  2. Check the permissions it requests. If it asks for more than necessary, discard the app and look for another.
  3. Download only from official sites.
  4. Strengthen security by keeping your devices and applications updated.

How do I know if an application is safe? ›

It ensures the app's compatibility with Android devices and monitors performance to avoid issues and provide seamless support for various Android versions. You can open the Google Play Store and the app you want to verify. Check for the Google Play Protect badge to ensure app certification.

How do I know if a program is safe to download? ›

How to check if a file is safe to download
  1. Download from a reputable website. Only download files or software from trusted sources and websites. ...
  2. Check the URL. Suspicious websites mirror legitimate ones to trick you into trusting them. ...
  3. Trust your browser. ...
  4. Use an antimalware service.
Aug 15, 2023

Can I trust open source software? ›

✅Fact: Unlike closed source software, open source software is secure only if used correctly and responsibly. Users of both open source and closed source software can greatly benefit from keeping track of dependencies through SBOM and using secure coding practices when integrating dependencies.

Is it safe to use free software? ›

Downloading free software from reputable sources like major companies is generally safe, but caution is necessary with unknown or unsolicited software. Research the credibility of the source before downloading any free software and utilize tools like McAfee's Site Advisor to check the safety of websites.

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