Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (2024)

The Queen and the Sea is the 4th DLC for this game and is at least twice as long as the Fatal Falls DLC when it comes to completion. If you've followed my guide so far, you've probably completed all the prerequisites for this DLC. If not, don't worry, I'll guide you.

As always, I recommend sticking to the Cursed Sword build the first time to beat the bosses of this DLC without taking any damage. Regarding the DLC itself, it requires a minimum of 4 playthroughs to complete all of the achievements. The route we'll take the first time (in bold, I'll mark the important locations):

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Prisoner's Quarters - Toxic Sewers - Ramparts - Black Bridge - Stillt Village - Clock Tower - Clock Room - Infested Shipwreck - Lighthouse - Crown

As you start your run, go and pick up the Hunter's Grenade, as we will need it to extract a blueprint for a later achievement. Unfortunately, you must keep this on you until you get to the Infested Shipwreck. I recommend doing the run on 0BSC difficulty since we want to get the no-hit boss achievements and manage your cells to have at least 200 cells available after the Infested Shipwreck. Our first important location is the Toxic Sewers, and he'll tell you about the old lighthouse keeper who lives in Stillt Village. We need to go to Stillt Village, and we should explore it all. One of the rooms leads to the old lighthouse keeper who is dead, and you'll be ambushed by an elite monster. Once you beat the monster, you'll obtain the Crowned key to access the new area, and you'll unlock the Leghugger as well. With that done, you'll need to progress, and once you beat the Timekeeper at the Clock Room, you'll have the option to go to a new area. It is accessible if you descend one level, and you can open the gate with the Crowned key. In this new area, make your way down to the bottom level and go right to meet the Fisherman. Talk to him, and he'll bring you to the Infested Shipwreck, and you'll unlock your first achievement in this DLC:

  • Iceberg right ahead!

    Reach the Shipwreck for the first time!

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Finally, we get to use our Hunter's grenade, but you might need to create a checkpoint before using it on an enemy. In our first run, we are looking for Armored Shrimps. These creatures crawl from platform to platform, and they can easily hide and crawl behind walls and platforms. Make a checkpoint before attempting to throw a Hunter's Grenade at an Armored Shrimp, as they can drop 3 blueprints with very similar drop chances, and we need the Killing Deck blueprint. Once done, explore the area, and don't worry about bonus objectives; just survive, as this biome is huge and has more than 100 enemies. When you're done with this biome, exit towards the Lighthouse. In this passage, spend 99 cells at the collector on the Killing Deck, so you'll only need to spend 1 more later when we need it. If you're ready, exit to the Lighthouse. Be sure to use the Cursed Sword build as the upcoming Boss fight is really challenging, as it's more skill-dependent than the other fights in the game. When you arrive, you'll unlock:

  • 8th wonder

    Reach the Lighthouse for the first time!

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Progress a little to the right, and you'll reach the Lighthouse itself. Before you break the wall, let me tell you what will happen next, as this boss fight is really different than anything you've faced so far. As you enter, a chase sequence will start, which can be easier if you get rid of your pursuer(s), and you'll need to be fast, as the lower levels burn on fire, and as you climb higher, the flames are coming as well. This is especially hard, and the Cursed Sword is kind of a liability in this case, but it is still your best option for the no-damage achievement, so you must stick to it. Fortunately, making checkpoints can make this section significantly easier. Feel free to read on before you continue. I'll divide this whole fight into 3 different phases.

1st phase: As soon as you enter, a short cutscene will occur, and you'll meet the first servant Calliope, who will break a lamp and get angry with you. She will attack you, so you might need to dodge and attack her. 2-3 attacks are enough to get rid of her for now. You need to climb the upcoming section, sometimes breaking walls and using ropes to get higher. At some point, you'll reach a level where there is an open door, and the flames are not spreading further anymore. Make your first checkpoint here by quitting to the main menu. Load back in, go in, and you'll have to fight Calliope again. Be careful as she can attack you from a distance! If you deal enough damage to her, she'll flee again. Go left out the door and make a checkpoint here(This checkpoint is extremely important!!!).

Ascend one level, and you'll meet Calliope again. Get rid of her by dealing some damage and continue climbing. After a short time, another short cutscene will occur, and you'll meet the 2nd servant Euterpe. Euterpe has a bow, so she always shoots you from a distance. It's pretty hard to get rid of her but definitely worth the effort, as she can uncomfortably surprise you on your journey to the top. Once you get to the part where there are 2 rope pulleys, you'll get to a level where you can only climb up on the right by a ladder. Make a checkpoint before climbing up! When you climb up, your 2nd arena fight starts but against the 2 servants simultaneously. It's easier to defeat Calliope first, then Euterpe after. Once you beat them, you can exit the door and make a checkpoint.

As you ascend a little, Calliope and Euterpe will be waiting for you, and they will ambush you. Try to deal enough damage to them to get rid of them. As you climb some more, you'll meet the 3rd servant Kleio. She is exclusively a close-range enemy and has some really uncomfortable attacks. Try to get rid of her and climb until you reach another open door, but don't enter yet! Make one last checkpoint and read everything before you go in! When you enter, you'll have to fight the 3 servants but only one will fight you at a time. The first will always be Kleio. She is really dangerous at close range, but you need to defeat her as soon as possible. If you manage to beat her, your 2nd enemy will be Calliope. Defeat her as fast as possible. If done correctly, only Euterpe remains (the servant with the bow). She usually starts the fight with a downward smash but is actually pretty easy to avoid her attacks. You need to defeat her last to obtain her weapons blueprint (Gilded Yumi bow blueprint) and also 2 achievements (because we defeated them without getting any damage):

  • Unwavering loyalty

    You finished the Lighthouse without taking any damage!

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All that's left is to climb the last few levels and exit towards The Crown. In the passage, you can spend some cells, and I suggest you purchase the Killing Deck and put it in your backpack for now. You should spend 99 cells towards the Guilded Yumi Bow (so it needs 1 more cell to unlock. We'll use it in our next walkthrough). Once ready, exit to The Crown, and you'll unlock:

  • A sparkle in the night

    Reach the Crown for the first time!

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (18)

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (19)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (20)

Read on before going on: Here we will get a miscellaneous achievement not just for defeating the Queen without getting any damage, but we'll defeat her with the Killing Deck. You can make a checkpoint here and also upload it to the cloud (quit the game completely and start the game again after 5-10 seconds). In short, you'll need to damage the Queen until only 1/5-1/6 of her health remains, and after that, you should put the Killing Deck in your secondary weapon slot, so you'll have the Cursed Sword in the first slot and Killing Deck in the 2nd. It's way too risky to use the Cursed Sword after this point because it could instakill the Queen (especially if you're using my Cursed Sword build and have the No Mercy mutation activated).

The Queen herself is not a hard boss and is pretty easy to deal with. She is really stationary, so it's easy to damage her, as you don't need to chase her that much in the arena, but she can attack you surprisingly fast. If she flees to the middle of the arena, she'll make an AOE attack, which is really easy to avoid. The first time she only summons 5 damaging lines in the air, which are always set at your location but at a different angle and only damages you when the screen flashes (don't worry, it is really predictable, you'll see). Usually, I finish her in this phase of the fight with the Cursed Sword, but you'll need to use the Killing Deck as stated above. If you manage to beat her without getting any damage and deliver the killing blow with the Killing Deck, you'll unlock 3 achievements:

  • Her Majesty

    You beat the Queen!

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (21)

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (22)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (23)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (24)

  • Lilibet

    You beat the Queen without taking a single hit!

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (25)

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (26)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (27)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (28)Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (29)

  • Full house

    Beat the Queen with the Killing Deck

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You'll see the ending cutscene, and we can start our 2nd run soon.

In the 2nd run, we'll go on a slightly different route, but at least it will be easier:

Prisoner's Quarters - Promenade of the Condemned - Ramparts - Black Bridge - Stillt Village - Clock Tower - Clock Room - Infested Shipwreck - Lighthouse - Crown

In this run, we'll do some prerequisites for some miscellaneous achievements and obtain a few as well. It's up to you what you use in this run, but we'll need to finish the Queen with the Gilded Yumi Bow in a special way. Once you leave the starting area, head straight to the Specialist's Showroom and pick up the Hunter's Grenade! Oh, and make sure to have the Leghugger until you get to the Infested Shipwreck. Also, have at least 200 cells available on you when you get to the Infested Shipwreck. Make sure not to have any pendants on this run that damage enemies when they hurt you!!!

About the Leghugger: To evolve the Leghugger it needs to kill around 30 enemies or bite them 100 times. I managed to evolve mine in the Promenade of the Condemned. As I entered I summoned the Leghugger and let it kill all the enemies. After 30-40 enemies it should evolve. If done, you'll unlock:

  • Oh how fast they grow!

    Get the Leghugger to evolve

    Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (33)

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About the 2nd run: As soon as you leave the Prisoner's Quarters, you'll need to work towards the Leghugger evolving achievement, which you can earn sooner or later, but in the worst case, you'll obtain it at the Infested Shipwreck. As you start at the Infested Shipwreck, DO NOT summon the Leghugger, as we need to obtain a blueprint first from a Mutineer. A Mutineer has 2 possible drops, and we need the Maw of the Deep blueprint. Probably the first enemy you'll meet is a Mutineer on this map, so the chances are really good to obtain it at the first given chance (but to make sure, make a checkpoint before attempting). If you obtained the Maw of the Deep, you're free to summon the Leghugger and let it kill all the enemies in this biome to evolve (if it's not done already) to obtain the related achievement:

  • Oh how fast they grow!

    Get the Leghugger to evolve

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Once you're done with the Infested Shipwreck, leave towards the Lighthouse exit. When you reach the Lighthouse, follow the same strategy as before. Make sure to kill Euterpe last (servant with the bow) to obtain the Servant outfit blueprint. As you exit the Lighthouse, we'll need to make some preparations for some achievements. First, you'll need to purchase the Gilded Yumi Bow from the Collector and put it in your backpack. Also, you need to purchase the Servant outfit for 100 cells and spend cells towards the Maw of the Deep until it needs only 1 more cell to unlock. Make sure not to have the No Mercy mutation equipped as it can easily mess up the next boss fight for us. Once ready, leave towards The Crown.

This time we're going for another miscellaneous achievement. For this, we need to kill the Queen by pushing her down the edge of the arena, and for this, we need the Gilded Yumi Bow. It's worth making a checkpoint before the boss fight to ensure you can try it again if you fail your attempt. You need to damage the Queen until the point she has less than 10% life (around 5-7%), if that's done you need to lure her to the right edge of the arena. For this, just simply stay there, and she'll come for you. Once she's within reach, simply jump down, and she'll stay there for some time. All you need to do is shoot her from her left side with the Gilded Yumi Bow. If done correctly, she'll die from fall damage, and you'll unlock:

  • Long live the Queen

    Beat the Queen by pushing her into the void

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Let's head on to the 3rd run. This time we work towards some other miscellaneous achievements, but we are nearly there. You'll not need the Hunter's Grenade anymore, but feel free to use it if you have something in mind to unlock. Before you do anything, you need to change your outfit! Go to the Tailor and equip the Servants outfit. Go back to the starting area. You'll need to take the same route as last time, but I'll write it down here anyway:

Prisoner's Quarters - Promenade of the Condemned - Ramparts - Black Bridge - Stillt Village - Clock Tower - Clock Room - Infested Shipwreck - Lighthouse - Crown

As soon as you leave the Prisoner's Quarters, go to the Collector and unlock the Maw of the Deep, and don't forget to unlock the Queens outfit as well, as you'll need it on your next walkthrough!!! Feel free to make a checkpoint and cloud save before purchasing, and you can undo the process with the cloud save system once you have the related achievement. Once you have the Maw of the Deep, head to the Promenade. In here, do as you want, but you'll need to look for areas that have water, even if it's just knee-high. In there, use the Maw of the Deep and spam the button to use it. The 3-hit combo spawns a shark, which, if it touches the water, you'll unlock:

  • Put that thing back where it came from

    Help the shark get back to the water

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Feel free to undo the purchasing of this weapon by quitting to the menu and deleting the save from your console but make sure to have the Queens outfit as you'll need it in your next run. Besides that, all that remains is to finish the run. Once you beat 3 servants at the Lighthouse and leave to the Crown, you'll unlock:

  • Infiltration

    Finish the Lighthouse while wearing a Servant outfit

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Beat the Queen once again, and if you followed my guide, you'll only need 1 more achievement from this DLC.

The 4th run is basically the same. You need to take the same route, you're free to use whatever you want, but you'll need to equip the Queen's outfit at the Tailor! When you equipped the Queen's outfit, just go on the same route as before, and for the last achievement, you need to beat the Queen while wearing the same outfit as her. If you finally finished her off the 4th time while wearing her outfit, you'll unlock:

  • On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    Beat the Queen with a Queen outfit

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Congratulations but we are not done yet! The castle of Dracula awaits!

17. Return to Castlevania DLC15. Fatal Falls DLC

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Guide for Dead Cells - The Queen and the Sea DLC (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.