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Monday, July 30, 2012

Pork-Fried Quinoa – Oh Say Can You Seed?

Food Wishes Video Recipes (1)

Finally, after only five or six hundred requests, we’reposting a quinoa recipe! People love eating this “super food” for all theobvious nutritional reasons, but based on the emails I’ve received, they’reconstantly searching for new and delicious ways to use it.

Well, this was so tasty, so fast, and so easy, I’ll beshocked if it doesn’t make it into the regular rotation. And don’t think for aminute that we’ve simply overwhelmed the quinoa with a bunch of high-calorie,unhealthy ingredients, because that’s not the case. Not that I’m above suchculinary shenanigans; but it just wasn’t necessary.

I was really surprised how decadent and satisfying thisseemed, and with only a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and a handful of very leansmoked ham. These tiny quinoa seeds (that’s right, now you can sound like ad-bag correcting your foodie friends at co*cktail parties who call this a“grain”) really are sponges for flavor. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Ican’t wait to experiment with other quinoa creations.

By the way, if you’re an experienced quinoa cooker, and haveany great tips, please pass them along. I’m not sure how this would work withthe other varieties/colors of quinoa. I assume it would, but have never usedthem. I also used less water than the directions call for, but wanted the seedsto be a little “al dente,” which seemed to work well here.

Anyway, whether you’re an experienced quinoaista or a newbielike me, I hope you give this delicious pork-fried quinoa a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large or 4 small servings:

1 cup quinoa

salt to taste

1 1/2 cups cold water

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 cup diced smoked ham

1/2 cup diced peppers

1/2 cup sliced green onions

3 cloves garlic minced

1 tbsp seasoned rice vinegar

1 or 2 tbsp soy sauce, or to taste

Sriracha, or any hot sauce to taste

toasted sesame seeds to taste

Bonus Quinoa Esoterica:

Food Wishes Video Recipes (2)

When my friend Tamar, from the always entertaining blog Starving Off the Land, heard I was doing a quinoa post, she sent me this photo. At first glace, this looks like some new variety of grey quinoa, but they're actually tiny oysters! Tamar farms oysters on Cape Cod, and you're looking at roughly 50,000 baby bivalves. Simply amazing. Thanks, Tamar!

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Labels:Asian Cuisine,Grains,Rice,Side Dish

Friday, July 27, 2012

Orange Pistachio Greenies – They Only Sound Like Pet Snacks and Speed

Food Wishes Video Recipes (6)

Calling a brownie made with pistachios a “greenie” seemedlike a perfectly sensible thing to do, until I realized that was also the nameof a popular brand of pet treats, as well as the street name foramphetamines.

Most chefs, not wanting their recipe associated with suchunsavoriness would have changed the name, but not me. I’m hoping that these become so popular that eventually the pet people and druggieswill be forced to change their names instead. We shall see.

Anyway, as I exclaimed in the video, these were great, butsome dark chocolate chips really would have put this over the top. I’m adding ahalf-cup of mini chips to the recipe ingredients below, and I highly recommendyou do as I say, not as I did.

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I’m generally pretty mellow (unless I’m on greenies) about substituting ingredients in my recipes, but I can’t think ofanother nut that would work here instead of the pistachio. There's somethingabout the relationship between orange and pistachio that’s just so much moreintimate than other nut/citrus combinations.

The good news is, thanks to mass-marketing and largegrocery stores, shelled pistachios are now widely available at a very decent price.Buy a few extra, since snacking on them while you make these is virtuallyimpossible not to do. They’re really addictive…like greenies, and greenies. Ihope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 9 Orange Pistachio Greenies:

Wet ingredients:

1/2 cup melted butter

2 tbsp grated orange zest

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs

1 tbsp orange juice

1 tbsp milk

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Dry ingredients:

2 cups shelled, dry-roasted pistachios (*note: mine were lightly salted, so if yours are not salted or heavily salted, please adjust the added salt in the recipe)

1/2 to 1 tsp salt to taste

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (add when you combine dry into wet ingredients)

*Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes
For the glaze:
1 or 2 tbsp orange juice
2 tsp orange zest
enough powdered sugar to thicken

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

White Gazpacho! I Eat This All the Time…Like Every 20 Years

Food Wishes Video Recipes (11)

A very, very long time ago, I had a white gazpacho. It wasice cold, very tasty, and super refreshing. It was similar to a classicgazpacho, but with no tomato and peppers. It was so unusually delicious that it really made an impression.

It had a cucumber base, was garnished with almonds and grapes, and was so good, I told myself to get the recipe and put itinto regular summer rotation. That was probably 20 years ago, and I haven’t had it since.Totally spaced.

Anyway, last week I came across this on Grubstreet, and it all cameback to me. I knew I must try this soup! I’ve adapted the Dovetail’s versionslightly, but it’s one of those very personal recipes that you’ll want toadjust to your tastes.

Tweaking the amounts of salt, vinegar, and sweetness fromthe grapes will easily alter the final product, so experimentation is a must!The same goes for the texture. Add a bit more or less water depending on yourdream viscosity.

The ice cube trick is optional, but really does keep thesoup nicely chilled. The temperature is so critical here – you can’t serve thistoo cold. By the way, the dill oil I drip on the top was nothing more than afew tablespoons of vegetable oil mashed with some fresh dill with a mortar andpestle.

So, the next time you’re looking for a cool first coursefor that next great garden party, I hope you give this a try. You’ll love it somuch, I’m sure you’ll make it all the time! ;) Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 small servings:

1 tbsp olive oil

1 cup whites part of leeks, washed, chopped

salt and pepper to taste

2 English cucumbers, peeled

8-10 green grapes

1/4 cup slivered almonds

1 tbsp olive oil

1/3 cup crème fraiche, sour cream or plain yogurt

1 generous cup fresh bread cubes

2 tbsp sherry vinegar, or to taste

1 tsp salt, plus more to taste

cayenne to taste

1 1/2 cups cold water, more if needed

dill oil and/or fresh dill leaves

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Chicken Spiedies – Is Binghamton’s Best America’s Next Big Sandwich Trend?

Food Wishes Video Recipes (15)

If it isn’t, it should be! This incredibly delicioussandwich, invented in central New York by an Italian immigrant named Camillo Iacovelli, breaks all the accepted rules regarding marinating meats, and notonly does it work, it’s amazing!

You’ve heard me say on many occasions to be careful whensoaking chicken in an acid marinade.Usually an hour or two is the maximum I recommend, otherwise the meatwill actually “cook” in the liquid, much like fish in a ceviche. Here, that’sexactly the idea.

You could almost call this twiced-cooked chicken, exceptthat the food nerds would come out of the woodwork to remind us the meatdoesn’t “cook” in the marinade, it becomes “denatured.” Whatever, nerds. All I know is when you grill that "over-marinaded" chicken over a hot, charcoal fire, some serious magic happens.

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The term "spiedie" (SPEE-dee) comes from “spiedo,”the Italian word for spit, and simply refers to meat grilled on a skewer. Theoriginal protein was lamb, which explains all the mint and garlic in themarinade, which Iacovelli called, “zuzu.”

As I hope you find out, “zuzu” is also wonderful withchicken, and there are hundreds of credible reports of it being fantastic on pork,beef, and venison also. Yes, one taste and I think you’ll understand why this is soincredibly popular in and around Binghamton, NY.

The only mystery is why hasn’t this spread across thecountry? Seems like a natural. It’s got a great back story, catchy name, lots ofroom for local adaptations, and a marinade called “zuzu.” Come on, what more doyou need? Anyway, every new sandwich trend begins with a single bun, orsomething like that, so I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 6 skewers:

3 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs (or any boneless meat!)

1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice

3/4 cup wine wine vinegar

1 rounded tablespoon sugar

6-8 cloves garlic

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/2 cup picked mint leaves

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Labels:Chicken,Grill Recipes,Italian Cuisine

Friday, July 20, 2012

Braised Beluga Lentils – Black Ops and the Caviar of Beans

Food Wishes Video Recipes (20)

Braised black lentils, also known as Beluga lentils, sincethey resemble the most prized of all caviar varieties, is one of my favorite side dishes. That alone would have ensured an eventual appearance on this blog,but it was the suspiciously large number of recent requests that wereresponsible for today’s post.

I love a good conspiracy theory, so I’m assuming there wassome kind of funny business going on…I mean, this could have been the work ofsome shady international consortium. Was “Big Lentil” responsible? Theyusually say, “follow the money” in these situations, but I’m not sure how to dothat, so I’ll just move on.

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This recipe is very straightforward, and as I say, when thelentils are tender, you are done. You’ll need to keep any eye on things afterthe 25-minute mark, adding a splash of stock if needed. It’s always easier toadd than reduce, so don’t be afraid to adjust as you go. Also, be sure to addenough salt. Under-seasoned beans are bad beans.

One thing I forgot to mention, you might want to pour thecup of lentils on to a plate to check for little rocks. Nothing ruins a greatlentil eating experience more than shattering a molar, so it’s worth the twominutes to check. Other than that, not much can go wrong.

By the way, if all the requests for this recipe were thework of some clandestine organization, well, you got what you asked for…now,please leave me alone. I hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large portions:
1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp butter

1/2 cup diced onion

1/2 cup diced carrot

1/2 cup diced celery

6 springs fresh thyme

salt and pepper to taste

1 cup black lentils

1 3/4 – 2 cups chicken stock, more as needed
1 tbsp champagne vinegar, or to taste

2 tbsp chopped Italian parsley

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lamb Shank Vindaloo – Be Careful What You Wish For

Food Wishes Video Recipes (25)

Considering all the off-the-wall stuff I say in the videos, I don’t get that much negative email, but one of the more common complaints is, “Dude, where’s the Indian food?” Well, this succulent and spicy lamb shank vindaloo is for you!

I have very little experiencecooking Indian food, so that this came out as deliciously as it did is nothingshort of amazing. That said, I’m sure you Goan cuisine “experts” will let meknow how to make this even better next time.

The name “vindaloo” comesfrom a Portuguese dish called "Vinha d' Alhos," which is basicallypork stewed with wine and garlic. After being introduced to India, the winebecame vinegar, chicken and lamb replaced the pork, and many local spices andchilies were added…other than that, it’s exactly the same.

This is almost always donewith cubes or chunks of meat, but I decided to go with the very user-friendlylamb shank instead. Portioning is simple, as oneshank feeds one person, but what’s even more exciting for the novice cook isthe fact that this is almost impossible to mess up. Simply simmer on low untilthe meat is fork tender. That’s it! I hope you give this very tasty lamb currydish a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 Portions:

4 lamb shanks

For the marinade:

1/2 cup cider vinegar

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1 tbsp tamarind concentrate(I’ve never used tamarind before, so I’m not sure how this would convert tofresh or tamarind pulp, but I’m sure there are people that know!)

1 1/2 tablespoons garammasala

2 tsp salt

For the wet mixture:

1 onion, chopped

1 cup cherry tomatoes

1/3 cup sliced ginger

8 cloves garlic, peeled

1/2 cup water

For the spice mixture:

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground mustard
1 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

1 1/2 teaspoons cayenne

1 1/2 tablespoon paprika

For the rest:

3 tablespoons clarifiedbutter (melt butter and skim off the white milk solids)

1 large onion, chopped

salt and pepper to taste

1 rounded tablespoon brown sugar

cilantro leaves, optional

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Heading Home from Chicago

Food Wishes Video Recipes (29)

Michele and I will be hopping the train back to San Francisco today, after a hot, but very fun week of food and festivities in Chicago. I’ll have a new recipe video posted tomorrow, and if you love lamb and spicy food, you’re in for a treat. So stay tuned for that.

By the way, Michele took this gorgeous train shot as we were pulling into Chicago last Wednesday. Hopefully, you already follow Michele and me on Twitter, but if not, head over and check out our feeds for many more pictures of our adventures this week. Enjoy!

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Affogato and the Magic of Cold Brewed Coffee

Food Wishes Video Recipes (33)

Michele and I are still in steamy Chicago, where thetemperature is about 95, but the humidity makes it feel more like the sun. Man,could I go for an iced coffee right about now. I’ve been interested in tryingthis cold-brewed coffee technique for a while, but it was this lovely post on An Edible Mosaic that moved me into action.

Of course, the glamor shot (formally referred to as the“money shot”) is of an Affogato – the ultra-simple, Italian coffeedessert – but the real star here is the amazingly easy iced coffee concentraterecipe.

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Apparently, since the flavors are extracted without heat,the results are a smoother, less acidic, less bitter product, which supposedlyoffers a purer coffee experience. All I know is that it made the best tastingiced coffee I’ve ever had. This would’ve been a complete success just for thatfact alone, but that it also made possible this incredibly refreshing affogato,puts it way over the top.

You can use the coffee concentrate straight on ice cream orgelato, or dilute it with an equal part water for iced coffee. Ofcourse, the purists will tell you that affogato is made with hot espresso, butthe cold coffee works really well. The ice cream melted more slowly, andseemed to be even creamier than the standard technique.

Anyway, this only takes about five minutes to make, there are no special tools or equipment needed, and one taste is all you’ll need to become a believer like me. I hope you give thisa try soon…while it’s still hot. Enjoy!

Cold-Brewed Coffee Concentrate (makes about 2 3/4 cups)

3 cups cold water

2/3 cup very freshly ground coffee (I used the medium grindon my espresso machine)

*Mix water and coffee in a large glass container. Cover andlet it sit at room temperature for 12 hours. Strain though coffee filter orpaper towel, and serve!

For the Affogato:

1 or 2 scoops vanilla ice cream or gelato

as much coffee concentrate as you like (I like equal parts)

shaved dark chocolate

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Labels:Dessert,Drinks,Italian Cuisine,Tips and Techniques

Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello From Chicago!

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From left to right: Nick, Steph, Tony and Nora

Michele and I attended Nora and Tony’s rehearsal dinner lastnight, hosted by my cousin, and some say look-a-like, Nick Quartaro and hislovely wife Stephanie.

We had a great time catching up with family we hadn’tseen in years, and as if that weren’t enough, we also got to enjoy a fantasticdinner at The Bristol, where Tony is Chef de Cuisine.

I’ve often bragged about Tony’s prowess in the kitchen, so Ithought I’d give you a look at the menu. I hope this shows why we’re allso proud of Tony. Please keep in mind that I was shooting without a flash, so you'll have to take my word that the food was even more gorgeous than it looks here. Today’s the wedding, and if that’s even half as fun as therehearsal dinner, we are in for a fantastic time. Enjoy!

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Monkey Bread with Dill Butter
Food Wishes Video Recipes (40)
Carrot salad, mizuna, spiced hazelnuts, yogurt vinaigrette
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Gnocchi, zucchini, beurre-fondue, mint

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Roast chicken, dill spaetzle, crunchy vegetable salad

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Green beans, almond butter, kumquats, crispy shallots

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Beef brisket, summer squash, salsa verde

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Corn panna cotta, blueberries, chocolate-dipped orange shortbread

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Classic Rice Pilaf and Little White Lies

Food Wishes Video Recipes (49)

You’re a great cook. You know it, and so do all yourfriends. There are no techniques or recipes you haven’t mastered, well, exceptfor one… you stink at making rice. Sure, when it comes up in conversation youlie and say your rice rocks, and offer advice to your unsuspecting friends, butwe know the truth.

It’s okay. You’re not alone. Cooking a perfect batch ofwhite rice without a rice cooker can be a challenge. I attempted to solve thisissue in 2007, when I posted “How To Make Perfect White Rice,” but if forwhatever reasons you still can’t do it, no problem! We’re simply going to haveyou do what so many great minds over the centuries have done in thesesituations…give up.

That’s right, we going for forget about cooking rice on thestove, and show you the incredibly delicious and absolutely foolproof world ofpilaf! Because it’s coated with butter first, and baked with less liquid, thisalmost magical recipe will give you magazine quality rice every time (and I’mtalking about the good food magazines, not those ones that went out ofbusiness).

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I’m showing a fairly classic version here, which includesthe extremely optional ingredient, saffron. If you are not familiar with thisexotic spice, follow this wiki-link to get more info, as the subtle taste isvery hard for me to describe. By the way, it’s crazy expensive and you’ll onlywant a tiny pinch, for too much will dominate the palette.

You also want a high-quality, non-discount brand of rice.Cheap rice has lots of broken grains, which do not cook evenly. So, ifthere’s shame in your rice game, I hope you give this great rice pilaf recipe atry soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 6 servings:

2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil

1/2 yellow onion, finely diced

2 cups white long grain rice

pinch of saffron, optional

3 cups good quality chicken stock or broth (or water if youmust)

1 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
pinch of cayenne
*wrap very tightly in foil, bake at 350 for 35 minutes, let rest 10 more, and then fluff!

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Labels:Rice,Side Dish,Tips and Techniques

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On the California Zephyr to Chicago

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California Zephyr Train Photo (c) Flickr user Loco Steve

Michele and I are on a train to Chicago! We have a familywedding to attend, and it’s my birthday tomorrow, so we’ll be celebrating byeating and drinking our way across the Windy City. If you follow me on Twitterand/or Instagram, I’ll be sharing photos of all the deliciousness as ithappens. It’s our first trip to Chicago, so if you have any “must try” spots,feel free to share!

The wedding we’re attending joins our cousin (and future James Beard Award winner) Tony and his beautiful fiance Nora. You may remember them from such epic 24-course meals as the oneshown in the 3-part video below. You can see the lovely couple at the beginningof Part 1 (do not miss Nora’s slow-mo caviar tasting reaction shot!). I’ve onlyposted the videos, so if you want to read a detailed account of this historicmeal, check out the original post here. Enjoy!

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Labels:Blog News

Monday, July 9, 2012

Crispy Pork Cutlets with Creamy Jalapeno Green Onion Gravy – Say Auf Wiedersehen to the 3-Pan Breading Station!

Food Wishes Video Recipes (58)

This is what happens when you have two food wishes in yourhead at the same time. I’ve wanted to do a schnitzel video für immer, butthanks to another recent food wish, I was also craving biscuits with creamgravy. So, I sort of did both, and it worked out well. Very well.

The crispy pork cutlet part of the presentation is verysimple and straightforward, but it did afford the opportunity to share my new breading system. With all the time you’ll save, you can hitthe gym to burn off this less than light, but extremely satisfying meal.

I’ve never been a big fan of the 3-pan breading system. Once you dredge meat in the prescribed dish of seasoned flour, you haveto toss the rest. The whole idea is to simply coat the meat with flour, so whynot just sprinkle on already seasoned meat? We use much less flour that way,and with zero waste.

From there, we’re not dipping these in a bowl of beateneggs. Why do that, when we can just dump one egg on to the same plate and tossto coat. Faster, easier, and one egg is plenty for four cutlets.

As far as the cream gravy goes, the jalapenos and greenonion probably seem logical, but some may raise an eyebrow overthe diced dill pickle. I’m not sure exactly why I added them, but Ijust had one of those feelings. Pickles and pork, dill and cream sauce, it feltright, and it tasted even righter.

By the way, you can substitute veal, beef, turkey or chicken forthe pork without missing a beat. Anyway, I hope you give this easy pork cutlet, delicious cream gravy, and/or new breading system a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 8 Cutlets (makes four entrée size portionsof 2 cutlets each):

2 fully trimmed pork tenderloins, cut into 8 pieces, poundedflat

salt and pepper to taste

flour as needed

2 eggs

about 3 cups panko breadcrumbs

For the gravy:

2 tbsp melted butter

1/3 cup diced dill pickles

1 or 2 jalapeños, small dice

1 bunch green onions, chopped

salt and cayenne to taste

1 1/2 tablespoon flour

1 1/2 cup cold milk, plus more to adjust thickness if needed

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Labels:German Cuisine,Pork,Sauces,Spicy

Friday, July 6, 2012

Veracruz-Style Red Snapper – A New Take on a Very Old Classic

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Fish “Veracruz” was the first “authentic” Mexican recipe Iever ate. I had it 30 years ago at the Casa Del Sol in Saranac Lake, NY, whereI worked while enrolled in culinary school.

I remember trying and loving it,and being very surprised that “this” was actually Mexican food. Besides…oliveson fish? That was some crazy stuff.

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Up to that point, the only “Mexican” food I’d ever had wascrispy cafeteria tacos made by completely non-Mexican lunch ladies. So, thiskind of thing was very exciting for me. I’ve forgotten the exact recipe afterall these years of adaptation, but that’s of little consequence as it’s thekind of dish you make a little different every time anyway.

I like red snapper for this, but any white, flaky fish willwork. By the way, many Veracruz-style fish recipes call for pickled jalapenos,but I think there’s plenty of acidity in this from the lime and tomatoes, so Ilike the fresh pepper a little more.

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If you don’t want to do this in individual portions like Idid, you can certainly do it in a regular casserole dish, but you’ll probablyneed to give it a few extra minutes. Simply use the same fork-flaking donenesstest as shown in the clip. Flakiness never lies.

This food wish goes out to all of you that asked forflavorful, foolproof fish recipes. I’m not sure why people get so scared tocook fish, but if you’re one of them, this is for you. Other than a few minutesof slicing, this couldn’t be easier. Serve simply with some chips, or over ricefor a more substantial meal. Either way, I hope you give this a try soon.Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 servings:

2 boneless red snapper filets, about 7 oz each

cayenne, salt and pepper to taste

2 tbsp olive oil

1/2 white onion, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 tablespoon capers

1 tablespoon caper brine

1 large jalapeno, sliced, seeded

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1/3 cup sliced Castelvetrano green olives, or any greenolive

2 tablespoon fresh chopped oregano

2 limes

*Bake at 425 degrees F. for 15-20 minutes

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Labels:Mexican Food,Seafood,Spanish Cuisine,Spicy

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

She’s Not My Cherry Pie, She’s Our Cherry Pie

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Were these "lips" merely a coincidence?
I think we all know the answer to that.

First of all, I’d like to apologize to Warrant for callingtheir song “Cherry Pie” the worst in rock history…I totally forgot about theabomination that is Jefferson Starship’s “We Build This City.” At least Warrant’ssong had pie(s) in it.

This delicious and super easy cherry pie features a crunchy,streusel-like crust, which as I joke about in the video, makes the best icecream topping ever. It's such a natural pairing that I'm not sure it should even be served if there's no vanilla ice cream around. Of course you’re going to try and find the sweetestcherries you can, but if you don’t, please feel free to adjust the sugar amountbelow as indicated. Other than that, no alterations should be necessary.

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Some of you may feel like sneaking some cinnamon in theresomewhere, but I agree with the many who say that particular spice doesn’t pairwell with cherries, and should be saved for the apples and peaches.

Anyway, it’s the 4th of July, and I have food to eat, beerto drink, and fireworks to watch on TV. I hope you all have a fantasticholiday, and also that you give this classic summer pie a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for One 9-inch Cherry Pie:

For the crumb topping:

1/3 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 cup light brown sugar

1/3 cup packed all-purpose flour

3/4 teaspoon fine salt

6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut in pieces

For the pie:

1 uncooked pie shell

2 pounds pitted cherries (reserve all juices!)

1/2 lemon, juiced

1/3 to 1/2 cup white sugar depending on sweetness ofcherries

1/4 cup cornstarch

*Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1 hour and 15 minutes

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Monday, July 2, 2012

The Great All-American Burger Dog – USA! USA! USA!

Food Wishes Video Recipes (73)

This “burger dog” is far more than a hot dog shapedcheeseburger. It’s a testament to American ingenuity and being close to theright place at the right time. While I’m posting this as a fun, 4th of July grillingidea, my real motivation is to tell this “only in America” story of food standstardom.

As the story goes, Bill “Burger Bill” Parrish didn’t wantto buy two different kinds of buns for his tiny snack stand, which he operated onLake Merced, near the Olympic Club in San Francisco. Since there’s no suchthing as flat, round hot dogs, Bill decided to shape his burgers to fit the hotdog bun, and The City’s most storied cheeseburger was born.

The irresistible and geometrically superior burgers becameso popular that golfers at the Olympic Club would send their caddies over tograb as many burger dogs as they could carry. Eventually the very exclusiveclub offered to let Bill set up his trailer on the course, near the 11th hole,where they’ve been a fixture ever since.

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The course is only open to members, so the only way to taste one of these rare beauties is if you’re invited to play as aguest. I’ve had the pleasure twice, and both times the burger experience wasjust as memorable as the golf. They really are brilliant.

Above and beyond fitting the uni-bun, Burger Bill’srectangular meat ended up being culinarily superior for all the reasons I bragabout in the video. The shape insures a great crust of grill marks, and aperfect meat-to-bun ratio as you eat your way down the length.

With all deference to Mr. Parrish, I’ve added an extra bonustechnique of seasoning the inside of the burger before it’s formed. When youadd this to the aforementioned attributes, you’re talking about a great, anduniquely American burger experience. I hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients per burger dog:

8 oz ground beef (80/20 grind)

1 large hot dog bun

1 slice cheese

salt and pepper to taste

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.