Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (2024)


  • The Alien franchise boasts a wide variety of Xenomorph types, from Ovomorphs to Drones to Royal Facehuggers.
  • The iconic creatures are engineered to be the perfect killing machines, with acid blood and deadly abilities.
  • From Chestbursters to Queens, each new addition to the franchise introduces new variations of the Xenomorph.

The Alien franchise delivered one of the most memorable movie monsters of all time, but fans of the series might not be aware of just how many Xenomorph types exist in the larger mythology. The Xenomorph's design is credited to the surrealist artist H.R. Giger, first appearing in a lithograph entitled Necronom IV. The endoparasitoid species first appeared in Ridley Scott's Alien and quickly became one of the most iconic extraterrestrial species in cinematic history. From there, the creature evolved with each new incarnation.

Unlike other extraterrestrial species in sci-fi, the Xenomorph was designed to be the perfect killing machine, with the sole purpose of preserving their species by any means necessary. Due to its popularity, the continuing Alien franchise has expanded unlike any other, leading to four sequels, two prequels, and two spin-offs, as well as multiple video games and literature. Each new addition to the franchise has introduced new variations of the Xenomorph, with dozens of them now existing across the series. Building on the original, there are a lot of Xenomorph types to explore.


From Ridley Scott's Alien to the sci-fi franchise's prequel series beginning with Prometheus, here's how to watch the Alien movies in order.


The Egg Beginning Of The Xenomorph's Cycle

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (2)

The first hint of the Xenomorph is seen in Alien when the crew of the Nostormos comes across an eerie field of eggs while investigating a mysterious beacon. While not fully developed, the egg stage in a Xenomorph life cycle, also known as the Ovomorph, is actually the most important. It is through the laying of these eggs that the species has been able to grow and spread their brutal reign of terror across the cosmos.

The Ovomorph has appeared in virtually every entry in the Alien franchise, except for Prometheus, and is a thick, living organism that protects the Xenomorph hatchling inside. If an individual gets too close to the Ovomorph, the egg opens in an incredibly creepy way and allows the next stage of the Xenomorph to take action on the poor unsuspecting individual.


The Xenomorph Carrier

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (3)

The Facehugger first appears in Alien and is the creature that emerges from inside of the egg. It is a crab-like creature with legs as well as a tail. The Facehugger attaches itself to a host by latching onto its face and wrapping its tail around the airway. Once it has done this, it implants the Xenomorph embryo into the host's airway.

Aliens also showed that a face hugger can scurry across the floor and chase its victims if necessary.

Facehuggers have been shown to claim humans, Predators, animals, and Space Jockeys as their hosts, which has led to a wide variety of Xenomorph offspring. When they become set on a target that will be their new host, they are relentless in pursuing them. Like a fully grown Xenomorph, the Facehuggers have acidic blood, making it harder to remove from a victim.Aliens also showed that a face hugger can scurry across the floor and chase its victims if necessary.

Royal Facehugger

An Armored Xenomorph Carrier

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The Royal Facehugger has only appeared once on-screen in the Special Edition of Alien 3, as it was removed for the film's cinematic release, but it has also appeared in some comics. The Royal Facehugger has the same behaviors as a regular Facehugger, except it is physically larger and protected by stronger armor. This is because the Royal Facehugger carries the embryo of a Xenomorph Queen, an essential part of the continuation of the species.

Given how difficult it is to deal with normal Facehuggers, a Royal Facehugger is an even more daunting creature to come up against. The Royal Facehugger was initially written to be the Facehugger that implants the embryo inside Ripley. Given the terrifying potential, it is a shame it hasn't emerged in the Alien movies again since those initial plans.


The "Hatched" Xenomorph

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Kane became the first victim in the Alien franchise when the world was introduced to the Chestburster. After implantation of the Xenomorph embryo, the Chestburster grows inside the host's chest cavity, pushing and chewing its way out. First appearing in Alien, the Chestburster quickly became one of the most memorable parts of the franchise. The scene in which Kane begins convulsing only for a small alien to violently burst out of his chest to terrify the rest of the crew is one of the most iconic moments in movie history.

No host has survived the Chestburster on-screen, typically dying of severe blood loss during the process. At this point in its life cycle, the Xenomorph is at its most vulnerable but is able to evade danger and hide due to its incredible speed and agility.


The Most Common Xenomorphs

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The Drone Xenomorph was first seen in Alien and is considered to be the young-adult stage of the Xenomorph life cycle. This is the version of the Xenomorph that stalks the crew of the Nostromos and ends up killing all of them except for Ellen Ripley. It is the most iconic variation of the Xenomorph and has also appeared in games such as Alien: Isolation.

The top of the Xenomorph Drone's head is translucent and has empty eye sockets within.

The Drone is characterized by its bipedal stature due to its human hosts, with an elongated head and cylindrical skull, standing around 8ft tall. The top of the Xenomorph Drone's head is translucent and has empty eye sockets within. They are the most widespread of the Xenomorphs. They are also the first stage of Xenomorphs that showcased the smaller second mouth within their larger mouth that acts as a method of attacking their victims.


The Combat Xenomorphs

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (7)

In James Cameron's action-packed sequel, Aliens, the Xenomorphs returned but with a slightly different look and mannerisms. Unlike the lone Xenomorph Drone from Alien, these hunted in groups and became known as Warriors. Their skulls are typically more ridged, unlike the Drones, and they are also faster and more agile. They have also been shown to burst when they are killed, drenching their attacker in acid.

Much like the Drones, the Warrior Xenomorphs are large in numbers and used to spread the species. They serve as the main offensive unit for the Xenomorphs, proving to be incredibly deadly and ruthless killing machines. The form hives of Xenomorphs, also protecting their queen. They are also intelligent and use stealth tactics to ambush their enemies as seen with the short work they make of the marines in Aliens.


The Xenomorph Breeder

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The Queen Xenomorph first appeared in James Cameron's Aliens and is considered one of the deadliest Xenomorph variants. Standing around 15 to 20 feet tall, the Xenomorph Queen is the leader of the hive and responsible for laying the eggs in the Alien sequels. The introduction of this type of Xenomorph showed just how dangerous this alien species is as it was hellbent on spreading its numbers across the galaxy as effectively as possible.

Despite being the largest threat, the Queen typically spends her time laying eggs, only detaching from her egg sack to protect her offspring when necessary. In Alien vs. Predator, a Queen was shown to be held under a temple with the soul purpose of breeding so that the Predators would have plenty of Xenomorphs to hunt. Additionally, the Queen is considered to be one of the most intelligent Xenomorph variants.


A Dod-Like Xenomorph

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Alien 3 is often maligned as a failed entry in the genre.

The Runner first appears in Alien 3 after a quadrupedal animal falls victim to a Facehugger. In this face, it is a dog who is overtaken by this new type of Xenomorph eventually bursting from the canine's chest and taking on some of its traits. Alien 3 is often maligned as a failed entry in the genre, however, it does introduce some interesting new ideas, such as being the first to reveal that Xenomorphs are influenced by the the organizes they grow inside.

The Runner is widely considered to be the fastest of the Xenomorph breeds and also the most aggressive. This is seen in the climatic sequence in Alien 3 when the xenomorph is chasing the surviving convicts around the prison. Unlike previous designs of the Xenomorph, the Runner does not have the dorsal tubes on its back and is much slimmer in appearance.


A Ripley-Xenomorph Hybrid

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The Newborn is the first hybrid of the Alien series that resulted from a genetic mutation where it was an offspring of Ripley 8 and a cloned Xenomorph Queen on the Auriga in Alien: Resurrection. It is a sign of the dangerous experimentation that humans did with the Xenomorphs. The Newborn was shown to be stronger than a Xenomorph Queen, which it killed shortly after its birth, and considered the cloned Ripley to be its mother.

The Newborn was incredibly large, and unlike other types of Xenomorph, it was much closer to a humanoid in appearance, leading to it being widely considered as one of the worst designs in the franchise. It is an unsettling creature with a skull-like face and no inner jaw like the other Xenomorphs. It has not appeared on-screen again since its death in Alien: Resurrection.


An Octopus-Like Xenomorph

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While there has not been an explanation as to how the Trilobite is related to the classic Xenomorphs seen in the Alien franchise, it shares similar behaviors to that of the Facehugger. Appearing in Prometheus, the Trilobite first appears after the black goo infects Charlie Holloway on LV-223, which causes him to impregnate Elizabeth Shaw with the creature after they engage in intercourse.

It is shown to grow quickly and to massive sizes once it is out of the host.

Shaw manages to remove the Trilobite, but it appears later on in the film as a giant, Octopus-like beast and attacks an Engineer, impregnating it like the Facehuggers, and creating a Deacon. Given that Shaw removes the creature from her own stomach surgically, it is unclear how the alien gets out of their hosts naturally. However, it is shown to grow quickly and to massive sizes once it is out of the host.


A Xenomorph Relative

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (12)

The Deacon appears extremely briefly at the end of Prometheus, so not much is known about it. Ridley Scott has initially intended for Prometheus to not be directly tied to Alien but simply exist in the same universe. This creature may have been his attempt at giving audiences some of the Xenomorphs they expected while not fully repeating himself. It is considered to be a close relative of the Xenomorphs shown in the original Alien movies and shares some similar physical attributes, such as having an inner mouth.

While it also has an elongated skull, it is more pointed rather than round, and it's implied that it will grow to be much larger than other Xenomorphs due to being the size of a human at birth. It is unclear whether the Deacon has acidic blood, as it has not reappeared on-screen since Prometheus.


A New Burster Xenomorph

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Following the mixed reaction to Prometheus and the fan disappointment that it wasn't more of an Alien movie, Ridley Scott steered the franchise back to its origins while still looking for new ways to approach the Xenomorphs. The Bloodburster first appears in Alien: Covenant and is also known as the Backburster or Spineburster.

As its name suggests, it bears some similarities to a Chestburster but is also very different. For example, a Bloodburster is implanted via microscopic motes from egg sacks rather than Ovomorphs and rapidly deteriorates its host's health during gestation. This makes it an even more dangerous and effective method of attaching to hosts as their presence is barely noticed. Additionally, its appearance and behavior are very similar to Runners, and it has pale-white translucent skin and is extremely violent from birth.


A Humanoid Xenomorph

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (14)

The Bloodbursters are then shown to grow into Neomorphs later in Alien: Covenant, which again appear to be distant relatives of Xenomorphs. The android first seen in Prometheus, David, released the mysterious black goo chemical created by the Engineers onto Planet 4, also known as Paradise, the result of this is the pale white, almost translucent, and agile Neomorph that is extremely aggressive in nature.

Unlike Xenomorphs, the Neomorph does not have an inner mouth or dorsal spines and appears more humanoid. Instead, they have mouths with large sharp fangs that they use to tear into their victims. Their tail has spikes and can be used as a weapon, shown to slash and stab their enemies. It is also shown that their blood is not green like the Xenomorphs, but rather yellow and not acidic.


An Engineered Xenomorph

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The Praetomorph's first and only appearance is in Alien: Covenant, giving fans the closest thing to a traditional Xenomorph seen in the prequel movies. It is engineered completely by David based on murals shown on LV-223 in Prometheus. The Praetomorph's eggs are very similar to the Ovomorphs in the original Alien films but with a two-petal design. It only takes a few seconds for a Praetomorph to be born from a Facehugger, where it has completely developed limbs and grows very quickly.

The Praetomorph lacks a biomechanical appearance, but it behaves extremely similarly to how a Xenomorph would, if not even more aggressively. They are stronger and more resilient fighters but are also seen to be less intelligent, attacking in animalistic ways rather than hunting and stalking their targets. Unlike the other aliens seen in the prequel movies, the Praetomorph does have an interior jaw.


A Scarred Xenomorph

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The Grid first appeared in Alien vs Predator and was a Xenomorph Drone considered to be the alpha of the Xenomorphs born in a Yautja pyramid beneath Bouvet Island. It received its name due to the grid-like markings across its skull and back, which were a result of wounds inflicted by Celtics' net, a Young Blood Yautja. The nets constrict the enemies, cutting into their skin. However, when Grid was cut by the net, its acid blood dissolved the net and allowed him to escape.

Scar leaves Grid in the temple to be killed by his self-destruction device.

Grid is one of the unique Xenomorphs in the franchise due to its appearance. While the Xenomporphs are typically seen as hordes of monsters, Grid stands out and has an arc as he forms a rivalry with the Predator known as Scar. In the end, Scar leaves Grid in the temple to be killed by his self-destruction device.


A Xenomorph-Predator Mix

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While the Alien vs Predator movies were largely seen as a disappointment by fans, it did deliver on a concept that fans of both franchises had wanted to see. The Predalien appears in Alien vs Predator: Requiem and is a unique form of Xenomorph born after a Facehugger attacks a Predator. The Predator Scar is killed in the final battle of Alien vs. Predator and his body is retrieved by his comrades only for the final moments of the movie to reveal that he had already been attacked by a Facehugger and the hybrid creature emerges from his chest.

Xenomorph and Predator hybrids had existed in both video games and comics prior to its cinematic debut, and the Predalien is considered to be the best part of Alien vs Predator: Requiem. Like Predators, it possesses mandibles and dreadlocks and is able to impregnate a host with a batch of Xenomorphs rather than just one.

Tarkatan Xenomorph

A Mortal Kombat Xenomorph Fighter

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (18)

Though the Mortal Kombat video game franchise began with original characters, it has gradually been including other notable characters throughout pop culture, including a number of horror icons. In the case of the Xenomorph, this was included while also adding a Mortal Kombat twist. The Tarkatan Xenomorph appears as a downloadable guest in Mortal Kombat X and is also a part of the game's Alien DLC. While it is simply called "Alien" in-game, it is actually the product of a Xenomorph Drone being born from the body of Tarkatan warrior Baraka.

It has several similarities to a regular Xenomorph Drone, but it is more bulky and muscular in comparison to those bred from human hosts. It also shares Barak's vicious teeth and has extendable blades within its forearms, similar to the sword-like arm blades that Tarkatans have.


A Royal Guard Xenomorph

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Though never seen in the movies, the Praetorian is another extremely intimidating type of Xenomorph that also highlights some of the traditions and societal conventions the Xenomorphs adhere to. The Praetorian is featured heavily in Alien vs Predator video games as a boss enemy and has not appeared in any of the films. It is known as a royal guard for the Xenomorph Queen and her eggs and has a lot of similar attributes to a Warrior but is larger, and bares a similar crest to the Xenomorph Queen.

It is explained that they appear when a Xenomorph hive reaches a population of 300 and is one of the final stages of a Xenomorph life cycle. As well as acting as a guard for the Xenomorph Queen, they also act as an army commander of the hive.


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An Ancient Xenomorph

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The Matriarch appears in the Aliens vs Predator 2010 video game and was an ancient Xenomorph Queen residing on BG-386. It's explained that the Yautja captured the Matriarch for the sole purpose of laying Xenomorph offspring for them to hunt, much like the Queen seen in the first Alien vs Predator movie. She was later captured by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation but managed to escape and start her own hive before being killed by Rookie.

Due to her age, she was grayer in comparison to other Xenomorph Queens and covered in battle scars. The Matriarch also has a bulletproof hide. When she is discovered in an ancient state, the scientists are astonished to see that she is alive and aware of their presence. It was a sign of the incredible resilience of the Xenomorphs and their amazing ability to survive in any climate.

Spitter Alien

An Acid-Spewing Xenomorph

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A Xenomorph's acid is considered one of their most lethal attributes, making the aliens lethal even in death. It also has a feature that makes the Spitter Alien more dangerous compared to other variants. The Spitter appears in Aliens: Colonial Marines, a non-canon video game, where the sides of its head have bulges that spit acid at the player, making them even more lethal from a long distance.

Spitters have a similar head crest to Xenomorph Queens and Praetorians, except theirs are smaller with a yellow-green coloration from the acid pouches. The game also introduces Spitters that have e been irradiated by toxic chemicals supplied by Weyland Yutani. This makes them even larger and stronger than the other Spitters while also increasing how much they can spit. Of course, along with these features, the Spitters have all the other deadly qualities of a typical Xenomorph.

Crusher Alien

An Armored Charging Xenomorph

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The Crusher, also known as The Charger, appears in both Alien: Colonial Marines and Aliens: Fireteam Elite. It is the only Xenomorph besides the Xenomorph Queen to have the heaviest armor. Despite its size and strength, it is not as intelligent as other Xenomorph breeds. It attacks by charging at its target on all fours, and it has been theorized that, similarly to the Runner seen in Alien 3, it may have been bred from a larger animal such as a Bull due to its similar attributes.

The Crusher is seen as the muscle of the Xenomorphs, able to take on enemies in a way other Xenomorphs cannot. This includes taking on a heavy gun fair as its head crest is bulletproof and can act as a shield. It can also charge armored vehicles.

Prowler Alien

A Jumper Xenomorph

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (24)

The Prowler, also known as the Jumper, is featured in Aliens: Fireteam Elite and provides a new nightmarish take on the iconic alien species. The Prowler attacks its enemies by leaping on them, similar to antagonists from other video games such as The Hunter in Left 4 Dead. The Prowler is similar to the Runner, as it is clearly a product of a larger and more agile quadrupedal animal.

Its appearance is unique in comparison to other Xenomorph breeds due to its red skin and a bladed tail which it uses as a devastating weapon, similar to that of a scorpion. It also has a ridged head crest and a noticeable lack of dorsal tubes. It is not one of the stronger Xenomorphs as humans can push them around and throw them off. However, they are also known to pin their victims while others join in on the mauling.


The Xenomorph Overseer Of The Queens

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The Empress is a non-canonical Xenomorph featured in Aliens Online, Alien Versus Predator 2, and Alien Versus Predator: Extinction. The Empress is an evolved and rare form of a Xenomorph Queen and is considered to be superior, only bowing to the Queen Mother. They are described as being able to reach Tyrannosaurus Rex levels of height and have two sets of arms and a double-layered crest. It is suggested that a Xenomorph Queen becomes an Empress as her hive grows.

The Empress rules over other Queen Xenomorphs and their hives, showing more of the fascinating hierarchy that exists among these vicious creatures. They have a similar appearance to typical Queen Xenomorphs, differing only in their massive size. Though they are concerned with the survival of their overall brood, the Empress also has a sense of their more important role and will save themselves over others if the situation calls for it.


The Largest Combat Xenomorph

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Xenomorph Kings, also known as Monstrosities, are an extremely large and rare form of Xenomorph. Similar to the Empress, they only appear when a hive is deemed very large. It is unknown what role they play, as Ovomorphs do not need to be fertilized. It is suggested that they are largely a combat-focused caste of the species, making for a formidable force of nature. It would also take on a commander role during the larger battles the Xenomorphs participate in

Kings have similar appearances to Queens but with tusks on their crests and also a lack of ventral arms. Kings only appear in Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins, and their creation and role within the hive remain a mystery. Given the monstrous nature of the King, it would be interesting to see it brought to life in future movies.

Queen Mother

The Biggest And Rarest Xenomorph Breeder

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The Queen Mother is the rarest type of Hive monarch and also the rarest Xenomorph to ever exist. They are the leaders of Xenomorph Queens and are the only ones who can breed more Queen Xenomorphs. Queen Mothers are described as being almost 50 feet tall and have four arms and sharp dorsal spines. The tails of Queen Mothers are so sharp that they have been rumored to cut through an army of marines.

If a Queen Mother is not born from the egg of another, they reach their rank through the substantial growth of their hive. Despite their massive, size, they can run and are surprisingly agile, adding to their terrifying nature. They also possess telepathic abilities, even being able to penetrate the minds of humans and lure them to their deaths.

Red Xenomorph

A Rogue Group Of Xenomorph

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The Red Xenomorph that appeared in the novel Alien: Genocide. They are genetically mutated Xenomorphs who managed to escape from their hive following the death of their Queen. It's implied that, unlike a traditional Ovomorph, theirs are red, which is how they get their unique appearance. However, there is also some suggestion that their appearance differing from Xenomorphs is not noticeable to humans and they appear like the rest of the species.

They managed to produce a Queen of their own and establish a new home. However, they eventually go to war with the original Xenomorph strain. Interestingly, when human scientists come to research and experiment on the remaining Xenomorphs on their home planet, they are not interested in the Red Xenomorphs as they dismiss them as mutants. The Alien: Genocide novel is the only appearance they have made.

White Hybrid Xenomorph

A Combination Of A Xenomorph, Predator, And Human

Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (29)

The White Hybrid Xenomorph appears in the 12-issue limited comic series, Alien vs Predator: Deadliest of the Species. The corrupted AI TOY created them using a similar reproductive system to Xenomorph eggs, and they are by far one of the most unique Xenomorphs in appearance. The White Hybrid's DNA is mixed with Xenomorphs, Yautja, and humans, which is why they look similar to the Predalien in Alien vs Predator: Requiem and have such high intelligence.

Their hierarchy is also a mix of the Xenomorph system and the Predator system. They are led by a White Hybrid Xenomorph who is known as King but it is also implied that he is made the leader because he is the biggest and strongest of the group. The rest are made up of drones that are smaller but still show a heightened intelligence.


A Parasitic Xenomorph

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Not to be mistaken with the Necromorph from the popular horror game Dead Space, these Xenomorph variants appear in the 2019 novel Alien: Prototype. In the novel, the Necromorph was created by Dr. Gagnon in an attempt to breed a Xenomorph. However, the Necromorph obtained Necrosis from its host, which resulted in blisters all over its body that would emit the virus onto its victims.

Rare for a Xenomorph in the franchise, the Necromorph is shown to be a lone operative who hunts the crew of the testing facility Jericho 3. The lesions and boils all over its body add a unique and grotesque appearance to the creature. It is said to be in constant pain yet drawn in its biological mission to find appropriate hosts and spread its deadly disease.

Space Jockey Xenomorph

A Giant Mysterious Xenomorph

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It first appeared in the Dark Horse Comic Aliens: Apocalypse and is based upon the Space Jockey seen in the first Alien movie.

The Space Jockey Xenomorph is one of the entries that had the potential to be canon but was scrapped entirely upon the release of Prometheus. It first appeared in the Dark Horse Comic Aliens: Apocalypse and is based upon the Space Jockey seen in the first Alien movie. When the crew of the Nostromos arrive on the planet omitting the beacon, they discover the massive dead being that became known as the Space Jockey. It was later revealed in Prometheus that this was an Engineer.

A Space Jockey Xenomorph is significantly larger than a regular Xenomorph due to its Engineer host and is more threatening, attacking human-spawned Xenomorphs instantaneously. It also appeared in the DS game, Alien: Infestation, where it had a large elephant-like trunk. The reveals behind the Space Jockey received a mixed reaction as some would have preferred it remain a mystery, but the Space Jockey Xenomorph does present an interesting concept that would be fun to see.

Black Goo Xenomorph

An Albino And Telepathic Xenomorph

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Following the release of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, the 2021 novel Aliens: Infiltrator explored what would happen if a Xenomorph was to come into contact with the black goo created by the Engineers. In the novel, it's stated that a group of Weyland-Yutani scientists exposed the Xenomorphs to the pathogen early in their life cycle, which resulted in various unique results. For example, one of the Xenomorphs, now known as Seven, was telepathic and highly intelligent, making it able to command other Xenomorphs.

Like some of the experimental Xenomorphs seen in other franchise entries, Seven is an albino alien and referred to as a Super-Drone. The design of the Xenomorph was partially based on the original idea of the alien with translucent skin being used in the original Alien movie before going with the iconic black look.

Anchorpoint Hybrid Xenomorph

A Xenomorph Bred Through Infection

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The Hybrid Xenomorph, also referred to as New Beast, was first featured in an unused script for Alien 3, written by William Gibson. It was later adapted into a comic book series by Dark Horse, where it is learned that Xenomorphs have discovered a new way to reproduce. Rather than from a Queen laying Ovomorphs, the Xenomorphs spread airborne spores across a space station known as Anchorpoint.

The Hybrid also has a more violent way of emerging from its host, causing the humans to undergo a horrific transformation before the Xenomorph bursts through its skin. It also takes on a more humanoid look in its face, with a human-like nose and beady eyes similar to the New Born from Alien: Resurrection. However, it wasn't as strong as a regular Xenomorph, as it was later ripped in half by one.

Flying Xenomorph

A Xenomorph With Wings

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Flying Xenomorphs are one of the most unique Xenomorph variants, despite not being regarded as canon. They have appeared in various Alien arcade games and also featured in the first issue of Alien: Survival. In some appearances, they have membraned wings similar to a bat and Chestburster-like attributes, and in others, their wings resemble insects.

One of the most memorable and most common versions of a flying Xenomorph that is seen is the Flying Queen Xenomorph. This version has those massive bat-like wings along with its normal arms. It is seen in Alien comic books such as Alien: Swarm, Alien: Night Strike, and Alien: Space Marines. There have also been instances in which the Flying Xenomorph appears to live in a nest instead of the typical hive that other Xenomorphs have been shown to belong to.

Aquatic Xenomorph

A Swimmer Xenomorph

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While Xenomorphs being able to swim was already confirmed in the canon timeline during Alien: Ressurection, the Alien: Colonial Marines comic series introduced a new breed of Xenomorph that was completely adapted to underwater conditions, sometimes referred to as the Swimmers. They were found on Brackens World and most likely used the planet's large achelate crustaceans as hosts.

Aquatic Xenomorphs are similar in size to Praetorians, but they have a large tail instead of legs and blue skin. The lower half of their body resembles a fish while the rest of their body is more like a typical Xenomorph appearance. This gives them the appearance of being like a mermaid version of the iconic alien species. Though they were shown to attack marines on the surface of the water, the Swimmers typically dwell in the depths of the ocean.


A Human-Goat Xenomorph

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The Alpha Xenomorph appears in Alien: Bloodlines, a six-issue comic series published by Marvel Comics. It was an incredibly unique Xenomorph Drone, similar in size to a Praetorian, but also bore Bull-like horns across its skull as itsDNA was mixed with both humans and Cocoran Highland Goats.

However, the Alpha is still able to grow to full size as it is used to research the species.

The Alpha has a similar behavior to that of Grid and the Drone aboard the Sevastopol in Alien: Isolation. Its host, Gabriel Cruz, is one of the rare cases of a human successfully removing a Chestburster. However, the Alpha is still able to grow to full size as it is used to research the species. Of course, the Alpha manages to escape and battle its former host, eventually leading to them both dying in the fight. Despite only making one appearance, the Alpha is also mentioned in the comic Alien: Thaw.

Irradiated Xenomorph

A Glowing Xenomorph

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The Irradiated Xenomorph is by far one of the most distinctive in the Alien movie franchise. There is an Irradiated Xenomorph version of the Spitter seen in the video games, but this one is different due to its bioluminescent features. While that takes away from the Xenomorph's typical ability to lurk in the shadows, it does come with some advantages along with being a look that stands out in the species.

It appears in Aliens: Aftermath, where it is explained that not all Xenomorphs were killed in the atmosphere processor explosion on LV-426 at the end of Aliens. The Irradiated Xenomorph was the only survivor, where it mutated due to the high radiation levels on LV-426. Aside from its unique appearance, its body was like liquid nitrogen and could freeze anything that it touched.

Xenomorph Type

Was First Seen In





Royal Facehugger

Alien 3










Alien 3








Alien: Covenant


Alien: Covenant


Alien: Covenant


Aliens vs Predator


Alien vs Predator: Requiem

Tarkatan Xenomorph

Alien DLC


Aliens vs Predator


Aliens vs Predator

Spitter Alien

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Crusher Alien

Alien: Colonial Marines

Prowler Alien

Aliens: Fireteam Elite


Aliens Online


Alien vs Predator

Queen Mother

Aliens: The Rescue

Red Xenomorph

Alien: Genocide

White Hybrid Xenomorph

Alien vs Predator: Deadliest of the Species


Alien: Prototype

Space Jockey Xenomorph

Aliens: Apocalypse

Black Goo Xenomorph

Alien: Covenant

Anchorpoint Hybrid Xenomorph

Alien 3

Flying Xenomorph

Alien: Survival

Aquatic Xenomorph

Alien: Ressurection


Alien: Bloodlines

Irradiated Xenomorph

Aliens: Aftermat


The Alien franchise, which began with Ridley Scott's 1979 film, is a Sci-Fi series comprised of several horror films, games, and comic books centered on humanity's encounters with a hostile extraterrestrial species known as Xenomorphs. Characterized by their lethal prowess and capability to reproduce at an alarming rate, these creatures pose a profound threat to human existence. The primary series protagonist, Ellen Ripley, acts as the voice of reason as she seeks to keep the creatures out of the hands of greed-driven corporate scientists.

Alien (1979) , Aliens (1986) , Alien 3 (1992) , Alien: Resurrection (1997) , Prometheus (2012) , Alien: Covenant (2017) , Alien: Romulus (2024)

First Film
Alien (1979)
Sigourney Weaver , Tom Skerritt , Veronica Cartwright , Harry Dean Stanton , John Hurt , Ian Holm , Yaphet Kotto , Michael Biehn , Paul Reiser , Lance Henriksen , Carrie Henn , Bill Paxton , Charles S. Dutton , Charles Dance , Pete Postlethwaite , Winona Ryder , Ron Perlman , Dan Hedaya , Noomi Rapace , Charlize Theron , Idris Elba , Guy Pearce , Michael Fassbender , Katherine Waterston , Billy Crudup , Danny McBride , Demián Bichir
Every Type Of Xenomorph In The Alien Franchise Explained (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.